Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mullyman - wiRemix Volume 2 (DJ Booman/Major League Unlimited)

I posted about the first mixtape in this series a few weeks ago, and the third is actually out already, but I wanted to get to the second before that. It's on and, and much like the first, it's kind of a short run through new freestyles and old songs, with 'wiRemixes' of recent hits like "Say Yeah" and "Conlomerate" and "Drop," as well as "Rich Kids" by Tabi Bonney, who directed Mully's last video. There's also some old classic Mully cuts like "Oh Baltimore" and Booman's "Move Over," with some stuff I haven't heard before sprinkled in.

Mullyman f/ DJ Booman - "Conglomerate wiRemix" (mp3)
Man, Booman is a better rapper than a lot of people who just rap, always good to hear a new verse from him, 41yo (R.I.P.) posted this a while back too.

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is done?
I don't know what's going on with it other than that Brandon isn't involved in it anymore. And since his writing and research and interviews were the entire reason it was a great site, I'm just going to assume it's a done deal, unless whoever has it now steps up and delivers anywhere near the quality and quantity of content he was generating.
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