Sunday, October 05, 2008

DJ Diamond K - K-Swift Tribute (High Rolla Records)

Diamond K was one of the first people in Baltimore to put together a dedication track for K-Swift after her death in July, and now he's got a mix CD tribute to her. It's really just that one song and a few others at the beginning of the CD that are about or for K-Swift, and the rest of it is kind of a regular mix of new and old Baltimore club music, including tracks by Rod Lee, D.O.G. and DJ Booman, with occasional shout outs to K-Swift. It's a nice gesture, though, hopefully people will be making tribute projects like this for years to come, and hopefully donating any profits to Swift's family. You can get this on Diamond K's website, which also has a DVD of a K-Swift documentary, which I have not seen yet.

K.W. Griff - "K-Swift (Griff Mix)" (mp3)
This is one of my favorite K-Swift tribute songs that I've been hearing on 92Q a lot over the last couple months.

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