Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Vision - Still Here (Star Status Entertainment/B.M.W.B. Affiliates)

Although I'd previously heard a little of his work with Banga Bill, I didn't really know much about Vision until a few weeks ago, when Sonny Brown put me in touch with him as someone to speak to for my posthumous article about Mr. Wilson, I talked to him a few times and got some music from him, and he was really helpful and gave me some great quotes and the picture that accompanied the article. He gave me some of his own mixtapes, which he's made a ton of, and I posted a track with Mr. Wilson from this one recently. This one's short but consistent, all original beats and he's got a low key, conversational kinda flow. More guest appearances by DJ Jabril and Dirty Earl. Couldn't find a MySpace or website for him anywhere, maybe he doesn't have one?

Vision - "Hataz" (mp3)
This song is dope, good original beat and catchy hook. And considering that half the songs on the radio these days are about haters, it could probably be a hit.

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Nice track but its not an original beat its a dipset beat, freekey zeeky to be exact.
Ah, thanks for the info. Guess I was wrong! Still a good track, though.
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