Wednesday, March 25, 2015
In this week's Baltimore City Paper, I wrote The Short List, and the final Rap Sheet column, with news about Dirt Platoon, Wordsmith, and more.
Labels: Baltimore City Paper, magazines/newspapers, Rap Sheet, Wordsmith
Thursday, March 12, 2015
In this week's Baltimore City Paper, I wrote a big feature about Kane Mayfield and his debut album, The Return Of Rap, which just came out. I've known Kane and followed his music for years now and it's great to hear him put out a record worthy of his talent and get a chance to tell his story.
Also wrote The Short List and a new BPM column with news about DJ Technics, TT The Artist, Rod Lee, and more.
Labels: Baltimore City Paper, Baltimore club, BPM, DJ Technics, Kane, Rod Lee, TT The Artist
Monday, March 02, 2015
Baltimore rapper and blogger Speed On The Beat recently invited me to take part in an e-mail Q&A for a 'roundtable' with a few other music writers and bloggers. In the last few days, Part One and Part Two were published, and I think it came out pretty interestingly, I tried to be honest and maybe a little revealing about my process, and it was cool to see how the other respondents answered the same questions.
Labels: Speed On The Beat