Monday, July 22, 2013
I posted Mickey Free's long-delayed video for the 2010 track "The Unnies" on the City Paper site.
Labels: Baltimore City Paper, Mickey Free, Noise, Rap Sheet, video
Thursday, July 18, 2013
City Paper column: BPM
In this week's City Paper, I wrote the BPM dance music column about Matic808's Baltimore club Yeezus remixes, Mixfest 2013, and other upcoming events. Also wrote, as usual, The Short List.
Labels: Baltimore City Paper, Baltimore club, BPM, Matic808
Monday, July 15, 2013
A year ago, I interviewed Brian Ennals about his then-upcoming album Candy Cigarettes, and now that it's finally out I reviewed it for the Mobtown Studios site.
Labels: Brian Ennals, mixtape/album review, Mobtown Studios
Thursday, July 11, 2013
I posted about "The Usual Suspect," a Trayvon-themed track by Baltimore rapper TwoineyLo, on the City Paper website.
Labels: Baltimore City Paper, Noise, TwoineyLo
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
In this week's City Paper, I wrote a profile of the excellent Baltimore rapper Tate Kobang, as well as the Short List as usual.
Labels: Baltimore City Paper, Tate Kobang
Saturday, July 06, 2013
Al Great's "Summer Nights" Remix
I wrote on the City Paper site about a great Baltimore rap posse cut, Al Great's new remix to the Street Scott-produced "Summer Nights," with DDm, Japiro and Dunson.
Labels: Al Great, Baltimore City Paper, Japiro, Kenton Dunson, Midas, Noise, Street Heat