Saturday, January 26, 2013
I wrote about Mullyman and DJ Booman's Prince-sampling Ravens anthem "Purple Reign" on the Baltimore City Paper's Noise blog.
Labels: Baltimore City Paper, DJ Booman, Mullyman, Noise
Friday, January 25, 2013
Robert O'Brien of Baltimore Fishbowl interviewed me this week about my work as a music critic, it was fun to tell some stories and get on my soapbox a little bit about how I view the profession and my particular approach to it.
Labels: Baltimore Fishbowl
Monday, January 14, 2013
I wrote about DJ AngelBaby's new Baltimore club mixtape, Get Pumped Vol. 1, on the City Paper's Noise blog.
Labels: Baltimore City Paper, Baltimore club, Noise
Sunday, January 13, 2013
I wrote about Labtekwon's latest album, HARDCORE: Labtekwon and the Righteous Indignation/Rootzilla vs Masta Akbar, and its companion book and videos, on the Mobtown Studios website.
Labels: Labtekwon, mixtape/album review, Mobtown Studios
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
This week's Baltimore City Paper has my hip-hop column Rap Sheet, with news about Los and Kane Mayfield, and a list of AllBmoreHipHop.com's top 5 most downloaded mixtapes of 2012. Also wrote The Short List as usual.
Thursday, January 03, 2013
Corridor Podcast, a podcast about Baltimore/D.C. music hosted by journalist Kelsi Loos, recently invited me to appear as a guest, to play and talk about some of my favorite Baltimore songs of the year. So I picked songs from 5 local releases on my top 50 albums of 2012 (by Among Wolves, War On Women, Dave Fell, DDm/Rye Rye and Jumpcuts), and at the end talked about my band Western Blot and played our song "Child of Divorce." The podcast is available on iTunes as well as on the Corridor site.