Thursday, October 20, 2011

I wrote about Rome Cee's new single "Black Ring" on the City Paper's Noise blog.
Labels: Baltimore City Paper, Noise, Rome Cee
Monday, October 17, 2011

This weekend the American Studies Association will be hosting the 2011 ASA conference in Baltimore on October 20-23. I've been invited to speak about Baltimore club music, and on Saturday at 10am at the Baltimore Hilton, I'll be giving a presentation with the first public airing of some of the research and interview material from the book I'm writing, Tough Breaks: The Story of Baltimore club Music.
Labels: announcements, Baltimore club, Tough Breaks
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I wrote a post for the City Paper's Noise blog about Baltimore's Reina Williams appearing on TV's "The X-Factor" last week, including a video of her segment on the show.
Labels: Baltimore City Paper, Noise, Reina Williams
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Respect Magazine recently interviewed me about the book I'm writing, Tough Breaks: The Story of Baltimore Club Music.
Labels: Baltimore club, magazines/newspapers, Tough Breaks
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

I wrote about Skarr Akbar and DJ Jabril's The Beautiful Mind: Block Work Bootleg for the City Paper's Noise blog.
Labels: DJ Jabril, Noise, Skarr Akbar