Sunday, June 28, 2009

ScholarMan & Jonesy - Distant Voices EP (Soganic Music)
The ridiculously prolific MC/producer ScholarMan released one album and three EPs last year, and he's already on pace to top that in 2008, with an album, an EP and this collaborative EP in just the last 6 months. Unlike his previous self-produced efforts, this one is all beats by Jonesy, a producer from London that he worked with over the internet, and ended up with the single "Maryland To UK" (which is included as a bonus track here) and the 5 tracks that make up the EP. Really Jonesy's production style is pretty similar to ScholarMan's, soul samples and all, though, so it's pretty close to his other stuff, other than the references to the transatlantic theme of the record. You can download Distant Voices and several other ScholarMan releases for free on his website, and here's a YouTube of him performing "So Vital" from the EP in New York earlier this month.
ScholarMan & Jonesy - "Well Suited" (mp3)
This right here is my favorite track at the moment.
Labels: mixtape/album review, mp3, ScholarMan