Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This week in the Baltimore City Paper, there's a review by Jess Harvell of C Love and DNA's event at Sonar last week, although for some reason it's not on the CP website so you'll have to read it in the print edition. It was a good show, although I had to give my friend a ride home so I wasn't able to stay too long. I feel bad being one of the people who cleared out after Skarr Akbar performed, but he's a tough act to follow, probably not a good idea to place his set too early in the night. I was disappointed that Backland cancelled, hopefully he'll do one of their events some other time.

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Thanks Al for coming! It be like dat sometimes that you have to roll out early. What can I say....

I agree with you that Skarr going early in the line up kinda adversely affected the rest of the show...LOL! There were a lot of factors that contributed to the crowd fizzling out after Skarr's performance. Hindsight is 20/20, but in my mind all of the acts were really good. This experience has taught me a know. i'm grow'n

Backland is a real soldier dealing with life day by day....I pray the my brother and Big Homie regains his place next to all the Best MCs we have to offer. His "Tryna Get Ova" Song on the mixtape is a favorite of just about everyone that got that CD.

BIG UPS to ALL THE DIE HARD HIP HOP HEADS that held Don Brody and Golden Seal down.

Please visit to check out the pics from the event.

Aiiight, C
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