Sunday, August 27, 2006
Whats upz and stuff as such:
This is Grasshopper Philms premier spot phor making your weekends a tad bit pheel me?!
This and every Monday Raised Around It...ENT./Grasshopper Philms's (Mommaz' Couch MoNdays). It's a phorum phor creative pholks and nosey people who want to know what creative pholks do on MoNdays.
Not like the usual:
Why? Because -
Well dayum we just aint...come phind out why - here is a few samples:
- MCM has film screenings (Music Videos, Animations, Short - Feature
Films) by local and upcoming slick wit' it filmmakers/artist.
- An open stage for artist interested in performing in a very
unique phorum chill environment.
You won't even have to worry about eating before you drop by...just bring your hunger and be blessed by Mommaz' Kitchen.
This week we have auditions and casting calls for three upcoming movie projects. One is a submission for the BET netowrk.
Yo! this place is like Mommaz'...and rent is only $5....FIVE BUCKS! If you wanna' eat...bring like 5 more.
Mommaz' Couch MoNdays
5440 Harford Road
Baltimore MD 21214
(The entrance to the spot is on Hamilton Ave....right across from a free parking spot across the street from the blockbuster)
Time: 8pm doors open/Show hops off at 9:30 and runs till 1:00am
Directions on web:
w w w . G r a s s h o p p e r P h i l m s . c o m
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