Monday, May 31, 2004

cormega - legal hustle -- +from listening to it yesterday afternoon for the first time, lying on my bed with my blanket and both pillows pushed up into the corner to lean and lay against, staring up at the stucco or+ +i figured out something to say about how soft it sounded to me and how it made my ears feel like they were in warm sleeping bags or whatever i wanted to compare it to+ +listening to it now i'm not sure what i meant and i don't want to be dishonest. it does have that softness but lots of other things too that fit in other categories that i don't have time to sort out+ +he's got a soft mouth that fills with saliva and isn't underpowered. i can't focus on anything he's saying unless he's shouting+ +you know what the beats are like+ +l rocked the bells, dmc rocked gazelles with shells / skills mattered, fuck your rims and your record sales / hip-hop is stetsasonic and madtronic, ultramagnetic, schooly d and bambaataa+ +the inside picture of mega rocking the fila tracksuit, crouched down into the circular frame, dogtag piece and chain, diamonds on both wrists+ +i spit the drugdealer shit you might have seen on the wire / what other lyricist is known for giving people consignment?+